Wednesday, January 23, 2013

2 differences between Hockey India League and IPL Read more:

IPL After Party
IPL cheerleaders perform for the Delhi
2012 Champions Trophy - Day 4
Long ago, back when Hockey India and Hockey India Federation were tussling, I put out a suggestion that the two bodies ought to settle their differences through an old fashioned hockey match. What better way to judge which body is more fit to govern Hockey in India than by judging their prowess? Back then, it seemed like the only logical course of action to find a solution to all the infighting, the only way to help Indian Hockey reclaim its former glory in India. Well, something did happen, Hockey India League. While the means of clean-up is different, a new league instead of getting old geezers from two rival federations battle it out, we’ll all take it for what it is, the upliftment of the game in India.
I heard in a TED talk that if you are doing some ‘work’, you tend to do it half heartedly. Since childhood we are trained to do less, because doing more would have people ask us to do more. So we tend to hold back on purpose and do less just so we can do more later if needed. We don’t always go all out. There have been a couple of forays into Hockey leagues in India with fledgling success. Well the third time has proven to be the charm this time around. After the slumping of PHL and WSH, we now have a new league which in all probability will be a super hit. It has the big names at least and the model resonates closer to the IPL which is a good indication considering the latter’s popularity.
But this is Hockey. Not cricket. The Hockey India League is going to be a lot more different than the IPL, for starters it will have people running around and sweating instead of ‘fielding’. To narrow down, here are 2 expected differences between the Hockey India League and IPL-
Fewer moral outrages on field


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